英语推荐网 商务英语 出国旅行,不可以不知的英语口语表达!



passport护照baggage/luggage行李name tag名牌boarding pass登机牌on board登机you should bring your passport with you when you traveling abroad.在国外旅行时,你大约随身带着护照。carry the backpacks, we have to check in the rest of our baggage.背上背包,咱们有必要邮递其他行李。excuse me, where can we get our baggage/luggage?请问,咱们在哪里取行李?- i may have lost some baggage.我可以

丢了些行李。- can you describe it?你能描绘下你的行李吗?- it’s a huge purple suitcase with my name tag.是个很大的紫色行李箱,上面有我的名牌。notes: baggage和luggage都可标明行李,但baggage是美式用法。短语“check in”除了标明入住旅馆,在这儿是“邮递”的意思。

ask the way问路
railway station火车站bus station公交站subway station/underground station地铁站excuse me, how do i get to/do you know the way to the natural history museum?请问,去天然前史博物馆怎么走?
take a taxi打车
– how much is it if

we go to the theme park?去主题公园多少钱?- let’s run the meter.打表计价。notes: 短语“run the meter”的意义是“打表”,“meter”在这儿不标明“米”,而是“表面”。
– when can we get there?/how long will it take to get there?多久能到那儿?- in fifteen minutes if there’s no traffic.不堵车的话15分钟。- can you drop me off at the store? i wanna buy some food.你能在便当店门口让我下车吗?我想买点吃的。notes: “no traffic”在这儿的意思是“不堵车”,相同意义的咱们也可以说“without too much traffic”或“no traffic jams”。“drop off”在这儿的意义是“让或人下车”。


作者: admin
