英语推荐网 英语学习 雅思口语part1到底该讲多久?



作者介绍: 从2010年到2018年担任雅思考官。他是雅思备考教材《雅思速成》( )的合著者,该教材被国际语言学校采用。现就职于伦敦帝国理工学院商学院,负责研究生的学术和专业技能培训。他也是的课程开发人员和导师,为中国和国际学生提供雅思在线培训课程。




1. 在考场里有两把椅子和一张桌子。考官坐在一张椅子上雅思真题,你坐在另一张椅子上。

2. 所有的考试都是用录音机录下来的。




2. 在进入考场前,通过学习一种简单实用的技巧来控制你的神经,来应对恐慌。我教给学生的技巧叫做“肺部深呼吸”。


4. 通过收缩隔膜和胸部来呼气

5. 吸气4秒,呼气6秒。每10秒呼吸一次。缓慢的深呼吸。


Part 1—基础


2. 有些考官不像其他人那样友好或鼓励。你应该做好准备,确保这不会影响你的表现。


Part 1—第一组问题

1.考官会问你一些非常简单的关于你的工作或学习的问题。Q: Do you work or are you a ? 如果你说你是一名学生或者你刚刚完成学业,考官会问你更多关于你学业的问题。如果你说你在工作,考官会问你更多关于你工作的问题。

2. 有时考官会问一个关于你的“家乡”的问题。这意味着这个城市让你有家的感觉。它通常指的是你待的时间最长的那个城镇。


4. 第一个问题的想法是让你放松。这些问题设计得也很简单!

Part 1—第二组问题


2. 注意这些话题都是日常话题,但是你应该为从一个话题到另一个话题的巨大变化做好准备。前一分钟考官问你关于体育的问题,下一分钟考官问你关于电影的问题。

3.考官会用“Let ‘s talk X”来提示主题。

4. 题目由考官从14个题目中随机选择。

5. 你不能要求考官改变话题。

Part 1-给出好的答案

1.你的答案通常在1 – 3句话之间。



3.有时候需要直接回答问题来展现你的语法正确。Q. Do you like ? A. Yes, I do. OR Q. Have you ever met a ? A. No, I ’t.

4.有时回答问题时要间接地表现出广泛的语言范围:Q. Do you like ? A. Only in the OR Not , I just like in the OR I love it!

5. 总是在你的答案中添加额外的信息。A. Yes, I do. I swim at I don’t have much time the week due to my .

6. 最好不要只给出一个、两个或三个单词的简短回答。试着扩展你的答案,就像上面的提示所解释的那样。

7. 给一个否定的答案没有关系。Q. Do you go to the ? A. No, I don’t. To be , I have time. I the last time I went to the was two ago.

8. 特别注意考官在提问时使用的时态。如果考官使用过去时,他们是在问你过去的经历或过去的事件,所以确保你在回答时也使用过去时。Q. Did you wear a ? A. No, I didn’t. Both my and high had no . were the only we ’t wear.

9. 记住要使用标准的英语口语习惯。这意味着使用缩写(don ‘t NOT do not, I ‘m NOT I am等)。英语口语:My best ’s Chen, he’s been a to me for so many (在更正式的书面英语中,你可以这样写:My best IS Chen, he HAS been…)

Tips and : Part 1

The with the

1. In the room will be 2 and a desk. The will sit in one and you will sit in the .

2. All of the exam is by or .

3. The will ask you to sit down and will by and your and you for your to . The then Part 1 of the exam by you .


Many are when they come into the room and this can your : your , you and your mind goes , your . You to !Deal with into the room by a to your . The I my is ‘ ’. 肺部深呼吸 in by you and then your . (肺下隔膜) out by your and then your in for 4 , out for 6 . One 10 . Slow deep .This is a way of with ! Feel your -rate slow down and feel a of calm you as you on your .

Part 1 – The

1. Part 1 will last 4 to 5 mins. The will be the time to make sure they stay this time . The will be down the on a of so don’t what they are – they are just down !

2. Some are not as or as . You be for that and make sure it does not your .

3. Your aim in the test is to and . Be . Be to your life, your and your . Be , and it is OK to use but not .

Part 1 – The Set of

The will ask you very your work or Q: Do you work or are you a ? If you say you are a or you have just your , the will ask you more your . If you say you work, the will ask you more your work. the asks a your ‘’. This the town that like home to you. It to the town you have most time in. the will ask you your , it the you live in and the your .The idea of the set of is for you to . are to be nice and easy!

Part 1 – The Next Sets of

1. You will now be 8 more on two , such as , , , food, , , news, , , etc

2. the are but you be for a big from one to . One you are and the next the asks you to talk .

3. The will the by “Let’s talk X”.

4. The are by the from a list of 14 .

5. You ask the to the .

Part 1 –

1. Your will be 1 – 3 .

2. is no need to give very long of 5 or more. The to make sure to all the in the time . If give very long , then the will the and ask the next .

3. to show use of : Q. Do you like ? = A. Yes, I do. OR Q. Have you ever met a ? A. No, I ’t.

4. to show a wide of : Q. Do you like ? = A. Only in the OR Not , I just like in the OR I love it!

5. add to your = A. Yes, I do. I swim at I don’t have much time the week due to my .

6. It is best not to give of only one, two or . try to your as in the tip .

7. It is fine to give a . Q. Do you go to the ? = A. No, I don’t. To be , I have time. I the last time I went to the was two ago.

8. Pay to the used by the in the . If the uses the past , they are you your past or a past so make sure you also use the past in your . Q. Did you wear a ? A. No, I didn’t. Both my and high had no . were the only we ’t wear.

9. to use of . This (don’t NOT do not, I’m NOT I am etc). : My best ’s Chen, he’s been a to me for so many . (In more , you : My best IS Chen, he HAS been …)


作者: admin
